Friday, December 05, 2008

This is my little Rock Star Sam. Believe me, he's having more fun than it looks. I think he was tired of the many photo's we took at his last Jam Session at Hosanna.

Sam is using his God given gift......making beautiful music with his guitar.
One day Sam will play at this Church during worship service and I will be the proud mama listening with tears in my eyes. He's such a cool little boy:)

I can't tell you how wonderful it makes a parent feel when you finally find something that your child is in to. Sam is not much for contact sports, so to find music has been a true blessing.
Don't get me wrong....he's all boys and loves to romp and play like any other 9 year old.

He and his buddies have a "band" and they call themselves the
CHRISTian Lights.
They meet whenever they can to play. It's so cute...Sam will say, mom we have band practice today . How cool is that!

Our youngest, Riley, wants DRUMS for Christmas.
I'm thinking about how loud this house will be, but Oh So worth it. Who knows, maybe mommy and daddy can be part of the band.
Pete and I still have our Halloween costumes from this past year:)


dani said...

it's awesome that you are letting them be who they are (noise and all). s, don't ever let them bury their talents; don't ever quench their fire for GOD!!!
as a mother... you rock:D

Shannon said...

Thanks. We purchased drums today!

Kellan said...

My Little Billy also is learning to play guitar and loves it and dreams of a band one day. I love the name CHRISTian Lights - very, very cool! Little Billy is asking for drums for Christmas - ugh! I don't know if he will get them!

Take care - Kellan

rhonda said...

i love your boys...the name of the band and the two wonderful parent's they have!! you guys are so neat!!! music is SUCH an important part of life!! i SO wish my parent's would have pushed me more, well not pushed, but encouraged me more with my music!! it can be such a blessing and a healer.........
merry christmas from kentucky!!